Vi.Bra Reset Package

1 Night Package


  • 1 night accommodation in the comfortable room of your choice.
  • Dinner on the day of arrival and breakfast on the day of departure at our gourmet restaurant.
  • Guided tour of the trails and waterfalls, so you can recharge your energy and resonate with the frequencies of the forest.
  • In our holistic spa: A steam bath with herbal vapor and exfoliation with salts.


  • 1 Pax: $150/night
  • 2 Pax: $250/night
  • 3 Pax: $350/night
  • 4 Pax: $430/night
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Anti-Stress Package

2 Nights and 3 Days Packages


  • 2 nights accommodation in the comfortable room of your choice.
  • Dinner on the day of arrival and full board until breakfast on the day of departure at our gourmet restaurant.
  • Guided tour of the trails and waterfalls, so you can recharge your energy and resonate with the frequencies of the forest.

In our holistic spa

  • Steam bath with herbal vapor and exfoliation with salts.

Mud therapy

  • Release toxins, nourish, and beautify your skin with the medicinal properties of Amazonian mud.

Toltec Cleansing

  • Release excess negative energy with incense smoke and the softness and sweetness of local plants, in the style of the ancient Toltec culture.

Salt bath in the natural stone tub

  • Relax in a cozy and warm bath of salts and flowers, contemplating the infinite Amazon, the flight of birds, and the sounds of the forest, while enjoying a delicious and detoxifying infusion of local herbs.
  • 1 relaxing massage.


  • 1 Pax: $300/Total
  • 2 Pax: $500/Total
  • 3 Pax: $700/Total
  • 4 Pax: $860/Total
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Detox Package

3 Nights and More Package


  • 3 nights accommodation in the comfortable room of your choice.
  • Dinner on the day of arrival and full board until breakfast on the day of departure at our gourmet restaurant.
  • 2 Guided tours of the trails and waterfalls, so you can recharge your energy and resonate with the frequencies of the forest (on the days you choose).

In our holistic spa

  • Free access to the treatments you select in the Wellbeing area of our holistic spa.


  • 1 Pax: $450/Total
  • 2 Pax: $750/Total
  • 3 Pax: $1050/Total
  • 4 Pax: $1290/Total
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Health and Wellness Package

4 nights and 5 days

This package aims to introduce you to alternative techniques and therapies that will activate your body’s inherent power to self-regulate and balance. By noticing changes in your body, you can decide to continue with these types of therapies and
recommendations in caring for your health wherever you are.
The combination of wellness treatments in our holistic spa and conscious, healthy, and exquisite nutrition will allow you to live an unforgettable experience.
The magical natural environment that accompanies your process will provide the perfect vibrations for you to achieve the balance and harmony that your body, mind, and spirit need.
Without a doubt, it will be a transformative experience that will mark a before and after in your life.

This package includes

  • 4 nights accommodation in the room of your choice.
  • Dinner on the day of arrival and full board until breakfast on the day of departure.
  • Our conscious, healthy, and gourmet nutrition will allow you to enjoy a true gastronomic experience.
  • 2 Guided tours of the trails and waterfalls, so you can recharge your energy and resonate with the frequencies of the forest.
  • 1 hour and a half daily in the wellness treatments you choose in our holistic spa.
  • 3 sessions of Kundalini yoga to energize your body and reconnect with the present.

1 integrative medical consultation

  • Functional diagnosis and therapeutic recommendations based on the dysfunctions found and homeopathic treatments if necessary.

Energy diagnosis

  • Exact value of the energy level of your body.
  • Quantification of stress level, energy level, and balance of acupuncture meridians.
  • Percentage of deviation of energy centers or Chakras according to Ayurvedic medicine, representing the predominant emotional state.
  • Energy level of the organs.
  • Energy harmonization treatment through sound therapy (every night).
  • 1 Neural Therapy: With the aim of balancing the Autonomic Nervous System, neutralizing irritative foci, and enhancing the reorganization and proper functioning of organs and systems. Very effective for decreasing or eliminating chronic pain.
  • 1 Biomagnetic Pair Therapy.
  • 6 Electromagnetic Pulsation Therapy treatments to stimulate tissue microcirculation, improve oxygen supply to tissues, and increase the elimination of toxins and free radicals.
  • 1 Diagnosis with Mora Nova Biorresonance of the presence of heavy metals, environmental toxins, allergies, and nutritional deficits.
  • 1 Neutralization treatment with Biorresonance of the toxic excesses found.
  • 1 Biorresonance program to regulate metabolism and energy channels.


  • 1 Pax: $980/Total
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Health Retreats

Anti-Stress Retreat

Stress is the disease of the 21st century, as stated by the WHO. We respond with emotions to different stimuli in our environment. Each emotion stimulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that act on our physical body, generating multiple damages. We cannot change external conditions, but we can change how we respond to them. In this retreat, we will identify the exact level of stress your body has and provide you with scientific and effective tools to address it. You will be able to apply these tools in your daily life, allowing you to face your challenges with intelligence, agility, and success. You will feel how it is possible to enjoy life, feel joy and peace, despite all the difficulties you may face.
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Know More


Our planet is not the same as it was just 100 years ago. “Development” has allowed us to improve and facilitate our lives in multiple aspects, but also compromise and affect it in others. Everything we consume: water, food and even the air we breathe has different degrees of contamination, which when accumulated in our body, affects our bodily functions and ends up making us sick to a greater or lesser degree. This retreat has the objective of making you aware of the different contaminants to which we are exposed, diagnosing them, eliminating them and/or neutralizing them with alternative techniques and technology.

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We are what we eat. There are many options for diets and meal plans. Deciding which one to follow amidst so much variety is a very personal decision. However, it is infinitely important to recognize what we definitely should not ingest and is harmful to our health. The objective of this retreat is to discuss the relationship between intestinal health and the onset of future chronic diseases such as dementia, Alzheimers, autoimmune diseases, thyroid or allergic problems, among others. We recommend the nutritional plan you should follow as well as the measures you could apply in your future decisions to maintain an intact intestine and avoid chronic diseases directly related to the intestine.

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We are an energetic body, and energy has multiple manifestations. We don’t see it because it has a very high frequency, but it is what moves us and allows life. It is produced in our mitochondria. We also receive and exchange it with the environment. It circulates through energy channels described in ancient and millennia-old Chinese Medicine. Also through the energy centers or chakras described in Ayurvedic Medicine. We can measure it with modern technology devices and we can take measures to regulate, organize, and increase it. And surely you will ask yourself: what importance does that have if I dont even see it? Well, it is precisely in our energy field where the holographic pattern of our physical structure is found. This means that if we keep our energy field organized and vigorous, our body will maintain its structure and will not get sick. In this retreat, we want to explain all these aspects to you and give you tools to maintain your energy field healthy and balanced, which will also allow you to maintain the balance of your physical body.

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